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  • +61 412 464 221
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  • blossomhairandbeauty@yahoo.com


Tinting is the process of applying a semi-permanent dye to either one’s eyebrows or eyelashes in order to accentuate, shape and define them. Perfect for those with busy lifestyles, tinting will give you lasting colour for three to five weeks with little to no maintenance. At Blossom Hair & Beauty Salon, we specialise in the use of high-quality Australian made products for a premium and long-lasting result. Upon arrival, our experienced beauty therapist will consult and suggest your color selection and processing time, but an average session only takes about 15 minutes. In order to maintain colour, we suggest getting touch ups every four to six weeks. Additionally, it is recommended you avoid exfoliating or the use of any oil-based products in that area as it may cause the tint to fade at a faster rate. For further information or to book an appointment, feel free to contact us on
0403 615733.